That is a problem for which there is no easy solution--but I hope you find one, anyway.

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Thanks, Bill.

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This poem is lovely. Thank you for sharing.

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Thank you so much!

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Jun 18Liked by Barb Natividad

Brilliant and beautiful.

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Thank you, Ted!

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I'm sorry that it's become hard for you to love poetry. One of the best ways for me to get out of my writing ruts is to either figure out a way to embody it... or play.

Since I'm mostly a nonfiction writer, I started to play with other forms of writing-- poetry, for me in the form of spoken word and even rap, has been a way for me to fall in love with writing yet again. Maybe a new form of poetry or experimentation-- or even queering genres and forms? Would be helpful?

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Those are great ideas. Thank you!

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Jun 19Liked by Barb Natividad

Wow! This has me reflecting on what hobbies/passions I’ve given up or lost interest in 🤔

Thanks for sharing your beautiful and this (for me) unique experience 🙏🏽

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Thanks so much!

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