I can empathise with the disassociation due to memory loss. (Lithium disruption, not ECT). Is it still that people would lose their jobs due to bipolar diagnosis where you are?

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Apr 5·edited Apr 5Author

I live in the U.S., and doubt you could lose your job because of that, at least I think. Maybe the EEOC could get involved? But you never know. This article is ten years old, but interesting. I believe the employee involved was not protected by the ADA for her bipolar diagnosis, but I don't know if this would happen now.


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Wow. That's disappointing. I'm sorry it's not surprising, though.

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May 3·edited May 3Liked by Barb Natividad

A lot of BS there. I don’t get the courts. I guess that’s what you get with political appointments and elections vs people interviewing and earning a job. Let’s just selectively choose what’s a disability and what’s not. I’ve had some issues with my depression and workplace management issues so I can relate to all of this. Also sounds like there was a bad case of hostile work environment that seems to have been ignored too. EEOC, more like EIEIO.

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